Beh Hooi Chin Family Medicine Specialist

Dr Beh Hooi Chin is a family medicine specialist in the Department of Primary Care Medicine at the University Malaya Medical Centre. She is a vital and active person in-charge of telemedicine services in her clinic since 2020. She had been actively providing education and training for the health care providers who are conducting the teleconsultation in the clinic. She has taken on the crucial role of spearheading and overseeing this transformative initiative. By imparting her knowledge and expertise, she ensures that the highest standards of care are upheld during remote consultations, benefiting both patient and healthcare professionals. Dr Beh has proven to be a leader driving a quality improvement project to enhance telemedicine services at her clinic where she has been actively involved in identifying areas for improvement and implementing innovative solutions for the service in her clinic.

Day 3, 22 Nov 2023

Time Session
Mohd Aizuddin bin Abd RahmanDr Moderator Medical DoctorDigital Health Research & Innovation Unit / Institute for Clinical Research
  • Teleconsultation: Education for Healthcare Providers
    Beh Hooi ChinDr Speaker Family Medicine SpecialistDepartment of Primary Care Medicine, Universiti Malaya Medical Center
  • Digital Health Maturity and Competency Framework
    Teng LiawProfessor Dr Speaker Emeritus ProfessorUNSW Sydney
Mohd Aizuddin bin Abd RahmanDr Moderator Medical DoctorDigital Health Research & Innovation Unit / Institute for Clinical Research
  • Empowering Health Personnel with GIS Knowledge and Spatial Analysis Skill
    Mohamad Fadli Bin Khairie Dr Speaker Senior Principal Assistant Director Health InformMinistry of Health
  • Panel Discussion
    Beh Hooi ChinDr Speaker Family Medicine SpecialistDepartment of Primary Care Medicine, Universiti Malaya Medical Center
    Jay EvansMr Speaker COOInteractive Health
    Mohamad Fadli Bin Khairie Dr Speaker Senior Principal Assistant Director Health InformMinistry of Health